Build and enjoy social connections through productive community participation
Deepen relationships with friends, family and others in their lives
Direct their own lives and experience life to their fullest potential
Since 2008, Angel Loving Care has supported individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to have the most independence, choice and control over their own lives through person-centered service planning. We coordinate and delivery approved individual home and community waiver services through the Department on Disability Services. Through their approved waiver services adults are supported to live full and inclusive lives throughout the community in homes, apartments, and, for families supporting a loved one at home.
The supports and services provided to each person are delivered by Direct Support Staff (DSPs) who are trained and utilize a person-centered thinking philosophy which supports positive control and self-direction of people’s own lives. Each person supported has a team of family members, DSPs and Service Coordinators who meet at least bi-annually to develop and evaluate goals and habilitative supports to address:
The importance of being listened to and respected
The role of daily rituals and routines.
How to discover what is important to me.
How to respectfully address significant issues of health or safety while supporting choice.
How to develop goals that help people supported to get more of what is important to them while addressing issues of health and safety.